I dont have any regrets for accepting him in my life. I am thankful of this man, for the love and such a good you are and you made wonderful life to me, a lots of thanks for you.
Being having this Long Distance Relationship!
In this long distance relationship is very hard and tricky, specially when into miles, oceans or even the entire continents between us. But we both tried each other to have always contact through phone calls or through chatting. The most important of having a long distance relationship is the communication cause if both lost communication,that would probably the case that they might forget each other. So focus, as long we get into internet, we trying leave sms or emails.This is the best way for us to maintain our relationship strong.
Whenever I get sad and miss him bad, I look pictures of him or us. I always did hugging hispillow ( he had left that time he visitedme). Its not the same,but all of it reminds me of his presence.I stay positive bylooking ahead for his next visit and thinking that this is just a temporary and we will be more have time together compared of spending time being far apart.
I am studying right now and really hope tobe done so soon. It takes years before I achive this dream, but I pursue just to be able to finish and for the future. I am qiute busy, at school and also in my work. I have the hard time adjusting since I have task in school too,however I'll be doing good as well.
When things goes bad, I tried to leave him messages and letting himknow that I am always thinking and missing him (I wish I can be able togive him a call

Most importantly, I think positive and that I knew its worth to wait.For me,its ok to cry and miss him, sad or upset, just dont let it takeover.Its part of every relationship and as long both are loyal and faithful to each other.
Our relationship is going to be one year and even how far he is, we can still express/show our love. Even were not together of that time, still our love would be strong and more wondrous feelings and telling ourselves how much we both love each other.