Well, this kind of tag could recall on when you gotta met you love one.
It was wonderful and I am so thankful I got this tag from a friend of mine.
Thank you so much Chie.
I would be thanful for those who can get a chance to drop by in my page.
Try this exciting tag!.
Here are the simple rules:
1. Pick your sweetest picture when you were still friends and post it on top of the questions and answers.
2. Another pic now that you are together post it after the questions.
3. Share to how many friends you like.
4. Enjoy doing it c:
5. Let your hubby/boyfriend read it too.
Me and Nathan we in relationship for almost five months in the internet. We had agree to be boyfriend and girlfriend. I'll show you and post our pics in here that were together!

Yes, I still remember the first I met him. I met him in the a site, he sent me a message and introducing himself, it was October 4, I guess.
He came here in Philippines last March 22 and pick him up in the Dipolog Airport. Well, yes it was so felt nervous and dont know what Im gonna do. But I tried to be feel comfortable being with him. Humm, speechless!
First impression...?
Cool! I bet he was good since I've met him
What was the sweetest thing he did for you?
His been honest with me and love me with all of his heart.
What are the things about him that you are thankful for?
I am so thankful for him being a good man. He is such a wonderful person I ever met and glad that he respected me. He accepted the whole being me. His being so faithful and loyal to me. So, thankful and great to have Nathan in my life.

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