I got this tag from Rechie. Thank you so much for helping me updating my blog and adding more styles in it. I am so very glad because with your help, I'll be able to post and get a chance to learn blogging.
Here are my answers:
A. Attached or single? --- *singLe but taken*
B. Best friend? --- *Nathan*
C. Cake or pie? --- *cAke*
D. Day of choice? --- *Wednesday*
E. Essential item? --- *My phone and computer*for me both are so usefUL*
F. Favorite colour? --- *Light Blue and White*
F. Favorite colour? --- *Light Blue and White*
G. Gummy bears or worms? --- *idk what are these??*
H. Hometown? --- *Sicayab, Dipolog City*
I. Favorite indulgence? --- *eAting*
J. January or July? --- *July, its month birthday of mine*
K. Kids? --- *nOt right awAy*
L. Life isn’t complete without? --- *Him*
M. Marriage date? --- *psstt!, nOt yEt mArriEd*
N. Number of magazine subscriptions: --- *N/A*
O. Oranges or apples? --- *I prefered Orange*
P. Phobias? --- *I dont think anything*
Q. Quotes? --- *Don't face problems, let problems face you.* ;)
R. Reasons to smile? --- *hAppY*
S. Season of choice? --- *Christmas*
T. Tag 5 people?--- *rechie,__,__,__,__*
U. Unknown fact about me? --- *psstt*
V. Vegetable? --- *anY,ya think*
W. Worst habit? --- *hUmmM, driving upset*
X. X-ray or ultrasound? --- *uLtrAsoUnd*
Y. Your favorite foods? --- *Filipino foods*