I got an awesome awards from Rechie. Take note: AWARDS! I am so much thankful to this friend of mine who still keeping me in touch to make me put more interest in blogging. I do much fun doing my blog, but it is I just need more time. I doing my blog on my vacant and with a comfortable time though. That I am not freaking busy with some other things. So, then I am still much welcome and do much appreciate to grab what Chie sent me, but I gotta wait chances to grab it, atleast I tried to post in return. It doesn't mean that I am ignoring, I just need time!Thank you so much Rechie.
Name 7 things/person that you love then pass this on to 7 other bloggers.
Name 7 things/person that you love then pass this on to 7 other bloggers.
1. God. I put my life center on his presence though I am not an active person in church but I am truely showing my respecting to him and most the love as what God loves us.
2.Parents. Without them, obviously I wont be here in this world.
3.Sisters and Brother. Although they are making some annoy but its much fun having them.
4.Nathan.My awesome boyfriend and a Man of my life. A true friend as well. The LOVE of my Life.
5.Friends. I am enjoying my company with them.
6.Souvenir.I love everything what Nathan's given to me. I value everything as well my family given to me.
7.Nathan's family. They so much good to me.