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Like other acronyms (such as radar) scuba has become such an ubiquitous term for underwater breathing equipment and the recreational sport of deep diving that it is usually written without capitals. Even though it is an acronym it has entered common usage in the English language and may be used as a noun or adjective.
Scuba diving is popular, scuba diving is easy and scuba diving is fun. Scuba diving as outdoor recreation is gaining in popularity, while participation in other pastimes is diminishing. Today, scuba diving is accessible to almost anyone with only a modest investment in equipment. Anywhere you want to dive you can usually find a dive shop near-at-hand to rent tanks, go on a guided dive with a master diver, take a chartered boat or just strap on the tanks and swim out from the shore. Scuba diving is not a solitary sport; you will need a buddy on every dive. If you don't have a regular diving buddy, with whom you do all your diving, you will at least want to get to know other scuba divers you can go underwater with. Many diving communities have a "buddy board" where you can find like-minded scuba diving enthusiasts.Copyright 2010 Love Destiny . Blogger Templates created by Deluxe Templates. Wordpress by wpthemesfree. Powered by Blogger